Sunday, December 13, 2015

Pulau Akan Bangunnya Anak

Pemkab memperhatikan untuk kenyamanan wisatawan juga kesejahteraan untuk masyarakat sekitar.
Budi ada luas milik Pulau sayang jadi kosong baik dimanfaatkan bermain that is pemkab untuk anak.
Juga menambahkan bermain anak anak di Payung island that is – saat ini tidak layak. Ayunan, dilengkapi dengan perosotan, tempat dan dengan hijau , katanya.

Pulau Payung Senang Akan Di Taman Anak
Pemkab memperhatikan untuk memberi kenyamanan wisatawan tetap kesejahteraan untuk masyarakat sekitar. Seperti halnya rencana yang telah di siapkan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Administrasi Kepulauan Seribu dengan segera membangun taman bermain anak di Pulau Payung, Kelurahan Pulau Tidung, Kecamatan Kepulauan Seribu Selatan.
Budi menyampaikan “Inikan ada luas milik Pulau Seribu sayang kalau jadi lahan lebih dimanfaatkan taman bermain untuk anak.
Beliau juga menambahkan, bahwa tempat bermain anak anak di Pulau Payung saat ini tidak layak. Begitu katanya is, ”ed by “Nanti akan dengan perosotan tempat dan taman dengan rumput hijau.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Pari Island Package

Travel package variations traveler Saulendra island equipped pari-class accommodation as well as professionals. Package that is the price of the island pari determine the gain of each candidate on vacation to the island rays. So on tiap- john accommodation package price. Always innovation - innovation in package pari island.

Rays that travel is still somewhat in the tourist island of a thousand, not many know the whereabouts rays travel in a thousand. This is a work with FORSIL island that is the community's pari pari as objects and clean that is nautical.

The price of each island tours, travel varies pari pari different island package price that is pari -beda. Accommodation in anyway. However, every website offering or through the press whether the website address that is online marketing. Have at least a little less worried about the fraud.
Saulendra always work address of each website visitors to easily meet the aims island traveled that is we can to branch offices.

Monday, November 9, 2015


With the popularity of the beach this regard should be improved. For more traveler that's john in some islands in the Islands has it. Today many will travel and in such. Some journey many promotional offer that is attractive in both or facility that can.

The rise journey must still choose. Some holiday providing facilities and services that is. How are you on the way and could be more fun? Some Recommendations that before using the services of the journey.

Agents that competent
Actually, the trip limit professional or not. However, the most visible of the price and facilities. Is the agent offered reasonable or not? For people who are new times for the Thousand Islands that is wanted and services can sort pick journey agent. You also references people that are close ever of the journey.

How the service vacation?
The trip is tiketed by the agent. To tour the facilities are in place, the facilities are already in the handles. Entertainment in tourist attractions, services on a usage go, and the facilities provided. They handling this kind of demonstration for the best factor.

The price offered
A package directly with the service and which however should not choose a cheap one. You must estimate the price with just about anything that's going to eventually. The price you get that's so that's the facilities that price, but that is or facilities.

Some in choosing the Thousand Islands, and the guide, then there is not in a really professional agent all respects.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Excess Package Tour

1. There guides
You are happy journey that is accompanied by, followed Thousand package so very enjoyable. Just imagine a journey that is your island travel guides accompany. Guides Thousand package than something that is going to make their own travel.

2. For those of you who are foreign.
Packages can be very unpleasant alien had never been to the Thousand Islands. This is because the city has the Thousand Islands and character. Different Bandung, for example. Different Makassar restaurant services, restaurant services, for example. Onwards. Package generally will be notified, travel travel travel difference- understand what that is should be. In addition the system in the city would be troublesome if you do not understand. No, the journey Thousand Thousand Island by a problem in the city that is able to go, because it will be with Thousand Island package that is solved.

3. Effective Time.
Tourism, can generally that is to follow in managing the package over time. Just imagine the day trip Thousand. There you are sleeping - sleeping accommodation, a day that is while it can visit journey object package that is attractive islands that is possible. If you own without being able to twiddle that is gone - in. You laze - why in the course, lazy?